Issue #11 - Check and update biblio
1. Introduction
1.1. Goals
Issue a set of representative educational credentials as a Verifiable Credentials, in a forward-looking manner (details below)
If possible, generalize guidance for a range of Verifiable Credential pilots in other sectors
1.2. Problem Statement
Many Verifiable Credentials pilots in the education space are having to invent their own schemas, despite the wealth of previous art in the educational data standards communities. That is for multiple reasons:
The focus of the VC community has been very much on the “envelope” and not the contents
Educational data standards are not easily approachable in a general way to outsiders: where does one start depending on use case? locale?
Educational data standards have rich domain-specific vocabularies, taxonomies, and ontologies, but may have additional assumptions that data has been exchanged between trusted authorities (directly from issuer/clearing house to relying party), and therefore are not clearly adaptable to minimized/selective disclosure schemes.
The [LER-WRAPPER] effort has bootstrapped the alignment of existing educational data standards via the LER/VC wrapper. This enables technology providers to build interoperable tooling at the wrapper/envelope level, staying agnostic to the contents, while enabling discoverability of metadata. This effort attempts to extend upon those efforts, enabling interoperability/mapping at the content level via enriched linked data.
This effort attempts to bridge the VC ecosystem to the robust work already done in the educational data standards space, to enable reuse of the great work done by experts in the space. Our main goal is discoverability of educational data standards frameworks, and informing implementors of how to use these in VCs.
Our work will help inform VC-EDU pilots, but will be forwarded as recommendations to relevant educational data standards bodies, representatives of which are active in this group. Educational data standards bodies rely on validation through real world use, which the umbrella of the W3C-CCG can provide.
Lastly, this will attempt to address design challenges related to standards relying on the XML serialization format, which is not currently a supported serialization format in the VC data model, but is still needed for legal compliance for example in eIDAS legal signatures.
1.3. Requirements & Scope
1.3.1. Requirements
We are targeting the Verifiable Credential data model
This assumes use of linked data (e.g. RDF/JSON-LD)
Specifically, we assume critical data fields (e.g. see Example 1) must use structured, machine readable content, but additional presentations may be included (e.g. machine-readable plus PDF for human readable/backcompat)
Support display integrity for scenarios where a human is in the loop performing additional verification.
International-aware: do not restrict to US edu data standards
1.3.2. Out of Scope
Deeper/structural changes such as degree audits, learning pathways, or actual standardization prior to implementation.
VC-EDU can only release draft recommendations, but the standardization work needs to happen in the proper SDO; e.g. IEEE CM4LTS (for ILR recommendations), IMS Global (for Open Badges recommendations), etc. We will coordinate with the proper SDOs to do that work
1.4. Concepts Requiring Definition in an Educational/Occupational Context
Note: To avoid confusion with how these concepts are represented by different standards/schema, we currently use placeholders for each concept. The names in brackets represent the current draft name for the concept.
Concept 1 (activity): describes an activity a person has undertaken. Examples of this might include performed Beethoven’s 6th symphony, completed a MOOC, attended a conference or webinar, spent six years working as a lion tamer
Concept 2 (competency): describes a learning outcome and/or skill a person has as a result of participating in a learning activity. Examples of this might include piano playing, advanced woodworking, work in accordance with established sustainability practices
Concept 3 (recognition type): describes an outcome, potentially of a formal assessment process, but may also include less formal recognition and self-assertion. Examples of this include: Bachelor in Sociology, Microsoft Certification, Member of the Bar Certificate, recommendations from teachers, employers, and peers, asserting one has learned a programming language.
Concept 4 (involvment): describes a person’s current enrollment in an educational organisation or participation/membership in an educational activity. This could also describe a person’s employment. The concept includes a description of the ROLE and the ACTIVITY/ORGANISATION. Examples include: student of University of Wine Country, Apprentice Lawyer with the California bar association, Teacher at Grade 5 Elementary School, Mentor for rocket building within ACME inc., Administrative Assistant at ACME Inc., Barista at World’s Best Coffee Shop, Software Engineer at Tech Company.
Concept 5 (subject): decribes the person or entity that is the subject of the credential. In the education/occupational space, this person is likely a student and/or employee. This role is also called the receiver. Subject may be the holder of the credential but not necessarily, especially in cases where guardianship is delegated.
Concept 6 (issuer): describes the person or entity that is issuing the credential. In the education/occupational space, the issuer could be an institution, organization, or employer. The issuer may also be a person. For example: a person such as a colleague may issue a recommendtion about another person in the form of a verifiable credentials.
1.4.1. Relation between Concepts
All of these concepts can be related to one another. Thus Concept 3 can recognize Concept 5 by Concept 6 to include the acquisition of Concept 2, as a result of completing Concept 1, while being Concept 4.1.5. Aligning these Concepts with TBD Educational Data Standards
(TBD == the ones called out in the charter...)
To restate and refine the goals of this document utilizing the concepts listed above, this document seeks to:
In order to promote interoperability (among wallets, etc), recommend standard types and/or properties for relevant concepts in outer layers of VC, including:
subject (concept 5)
issuer (concept 6)
TODO: recommend other properties in the assertion?
In order to enable alignment with TBD educational data standards, recommend connective tissue at a conceptual level, along with realizations with TBD standards/vocabularies. This entails proposing subject relationship(s) to the following concepts:
activity (concept 1)
competency (concept 2)
recognition type (concept 3)
involvement (concept 4)
1.5.1. Basis on CEDS Conceptual Model
There has already been significant effort alignment [CEDS-CONCEPTUAL] with TBD standards, and therefore it is convenient to use the CEDS conceptual model as our basis.
CEDS has 4 key concepts (super classes):
CEDS calls out 2 additional concepts, which are types of relationships:
1.5.2. Application to the VC data model
VC Data Model has properties "issuer" and "credentialSubject".
In our current VC-ED use cases:
issuer is either Person or Organization
credentialSubject is Person
Note that these are not restrictions of the VC data model, rather based on classification of the VC-ED use cases.
Side Note: The outer VC data model is: "Issuer" (Person/Org) "made assertion about" (Event) "subject" (Person)
Concept 1 (activity): Person ~did/performed~ ACTIVITY (Event)
Concept 2 (competency): Person ~demonstrated~ COMPETENCY DEFINITION (Resource)
Concept 3 (recognition type): Person ~has/earned~ CREDENTIAL DEFINITION (Resource)
Concept 4 (involvement): Person ~has role~ INVOLVEMENT (Role: Relationship)
The remainder of this document will recommend:
Issuer type and recommended properties
Subject type and recommended properties
Verifiable Credential (outermost) recommended properties
Property (or conceptual property?) describing Person’s relationship to Concepts 1-4 for use in a Verifiable Credential
Examples/realizations for TBD data standards
Recommended properties at outermost level?
1.6. Related Work
Open Badge as VC. Example, updated from Nate and Kim’s RWOT6 paper [OBS-ARE-VCS]
LER wrapper
Pilots/examples will evolve on T3 LER Hub - [LERHUB]
- terms/types?
schema:Person is an obvious one for learner
ob:Profile is a generic profile class based on terms that can represent either learners or organizations.
CTDL and Credential Engine **(note “credential” terminology issue**)
[CREDREG]: RDF-based schema for describing credentials and skills
Examples of open badge and CLR references to CTDL: [CREDREG-ILWRGUIDE].
Credential Finder: [CREDFINDER]
Controlled vocabularies used in Europe published as linked open data:
Particularly useful is that [ISCED-F] (thematic areas of UNESCO’s international classification of education)
2. Appendix
2.1. Example 1: Course/Program Certificate
2.1.1. Examples from the Wild
2.1.2. Extracted Fields
Field | Ex 1 Values | Ex 2 Values |
Accomplishment Type | MicroMasters Certificate | Verified Certificate |
Learner Name | Matthew Tracker | Jane Learner |
Achievement | Supply Chain Management | My First Coursera Course |
Issued Date | April 2016 | May 14, 2013 |
Certificate ID | 230842h...0827 | <verification link?> |
??? Issuer | EdX | Coursera |
Course Provider | MITx | U Penn |
Other | <signatories>??? |
2.1.3. Approaches Approach 1: ILR/LER Wrapper with Open Badges JSON-LD serialization + PDF and linked competency definitions
EXAMPLE showing 1 record expressed in 2 different formats (JSON-LD and PDF) in the payload. Using the OpenBadges serialization for the JSON-LD and with links to a credential defined in and competencies from the
{ "@context" : [ "" , "" , "" ], "id" : "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21" , "type" : [ "VerifiableCredential" , "LearnerRecordWrapper" ], "issuerId" : "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec22" , "date" : "2010-01-01T19:73:24Z" , "name" : "MicroMasters Certificate" , "description" : "This record authenticates that EdX MITx has conferred the MicroMasters Certificate to Matthew Tracker." , "learnerRecord" : [ { "POCid" : "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec23" , "payload" : { "type" : "AlumniJsonLd-3.0" , "format" : "application/ld+json" , "data" : { "type" : "Assertion" , "id" : "" , "recipient" : { "type" : "email" , "hashed" : true , "salt" : "deadsea" , "identity" : "sha256$c7ef86405ba71b85acd8e2e95166c4b111448089f2e1599f42fe1bba46e865c5" }, "evidence" : "" , "issuedOn" : "2016-12-31T23:59:59Z" , "expires" : "2017-06-30T23:59:59Z" , "badge" : "" } } }, { "POCid" : "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec23" , "payload" : { "format" : "application/pdf" , "data" : "H4sICMr5oF4CA2Zha2VfY2VydC5wZGYA7L0H3CxJWS6uIEgQAQmCi[...]" } } ] }
2.1.4. Approach 2: Open Badge as Verifiable Credentials
The issuer asserts that a learner (identified with a DID) "holds" or "hasCredential" a particular defined achievement (here, an Open Badges BadgeClass)
The defined achievement that is asserted is described inline, though most BadgeClasses are also available to be retrieved in their latest updated form at their identifying "id" IRI when that IRI uses the http/https scheme.
{ "@context" : [ "" , "" , "" ], "id" : "" , "type" : [ "VerifiableCredential" , "Assertion" ], "issuer" : { "id" : "" }, "issuanceDate" : "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z" , "credentialSubject" : { "id" : "did:web:matthew's_did" , "schema:hasCredential" : { "id" : "" , "type" : "BadgeClass" , "name" : "EdX MITx Supply Chain Management MicroMasters Badge" , "image" : "data:image/png;base64,..." , "description" : "Awarded on completion of EdX MITx Supply Chain Management MicroMasters program" , "criteria" : { "narrative" : "To earn this badge, the student must complete all coursework and assessment criteria for the EdX MITx Supply Chain Management MicroMasters Program" }, "issuer" : "" } } }
A second expression of similar JSON that uses only existing credentials and openbadges contexts (Not a final approach)
{ "@context" : [ "" , "" ], "id" : "" , "type" : [ "VerifiableCredential" , "Assertion" ], "cred:issuer" : { "id" : "" }, "issuanceDate" : "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z" , "issuedOn" : "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z" , "recipient" : { "type" : "email" , "identity" : "[email protected]" }, "credentialSubject" : { "id" : "" , "schema:hasAchieved" : { "id" : "" , "type" : "BadgeClass" , "name" : "Robotics Badge" , "image" : "data:image/png;base64,..." , "description" : "Awarded to people who have built a robot" , "criteria" : { "narrative" : "Build a Robot and post a picture of it" }, "issuer" : "" } }, "badge" : "" , "proof" : { "type" : "PROOF-Type" , "created" : "DATE OF SIGNING" , "proofPurpose" : "assertionMethod" , "verificationMethod" : "ISSUER-SIGNING-KEY-DID-LINK" , "jws" : "SIGNATURE" }, "verification" : { "type" : "hosted" } }
2.2. Example 2: Diploma
Diplomas may be expressed with the same approaches as shown in Example 1, because Open Badges is already used to issue diplomas.
Are there any other target formats we should include? E.g. via Europass efforts?
Any additional alignment frameworks we should include?
2.3. Example 3: Transcript
2.3.1. Options
Which standard would we like to start with?
Standard | GEO |
PESC+XML High School | Adoption in US/Canada; interest abroad |
PESC+XML College Transcript standard | Adoption in US/Canada; interest abroad |
EDI based standard governed by ANSI in fairly wide use handled by a system called SPEEDE | ?? |
ELMO | Europe |
2.3.2. Implementation Options
LER Wrapper is an option; note that it includes XML as a string: [LER-WRAPPER-XML]
Improving on XML-as-string would be a bit of work. I see 2 paths:
Push to support XML as VC format
This would be helpful in the near-term, and would benefit other XML-based standards
Work has started in a PESC JSON-LD Task Force: [PESC-JSONLD]
The VC-EDU community can help push this forward
2.4. Example 4: EDCI
Related links/examples:
JSON/LD (LER) example: See example E6 EUROPASS in the [[LER-WRAPPER]
This will have the same problem as in Example 3: they are currently using XML (as required for legally binding signatures), but the VC data model only describes JSON/JSON-LD formats.
A Europass EDCI in JSON-LD example: [EDCI-CRED-JSONLD-SAMPLE] (related to Level 6 EQF)
2.5. Example 5: Open Skills Assertion of ceasn:Competency
In this example, an issuer who is not necessarily the same as the definer of the competency asserts achievement of a competency or learning goal directly. This could enable direct match-up against a requirement on a job profile or learning pathway. Self-assertion of competency is also supported. There is no "BadgeClass"/"DefinedAchievement" intermediary class that must be defined in order to set out a specific learning opportunity, criteria, or authorized assessing body in order to make this claim.
The “ceasn:” prefix/namespace comes from here: [CTDLASN]
ceasn:Competency is defined here: CTDL ASN §Competency
{ "@context" :[ "" , "" , "" ], "id" : "" , "type" :[ "VerifiableCredential" , "Assertion" ], "issuer" :{ "id" : "did:web:the_issuer_did" }, "issuanceDate" : "2020-03-10T04:24:12.168Z" , "credentialSubject" :{ "id" : "" , "schema:hasPerformed" :{ "id" : "" , "type" : "ceasn:Competency" , "competencyText" : "Demonstrate critical and creative thinking." } } }
2.6. Example 6: EMREX
EMREX is a network for exchanging assessments/results of education at any level.
The owner of the result (student or former student) gets access to trusted sources of these data (diploma registries, student information systems,...) and can share data with a third party. This third party could be an employer as part of a recruitment process, a university when applying for admission or others.
The technical set up of EMREX is described here:
EMREX is using a XML-format called ELMO, which is based on standard data models for Learning opportunities. The basis for the data exchange is structured data representing the results the result owner wants to share, but ELMO can also hold additional documents like a signed pdf of a Diploma.
This will have the same problem as in Example 3 and 4: they are currently using XML (as required for legally binding signatures), but the VC data model only describes JSON/JSON-LD formats.
2.7. Example 7: Using a credential definition that exists in Credential Engine
{ "@context" : [ "" , "" , "" ], "id" : "" , "type" : [ "VerifiableCredential" , "Assertion" ], "issuer" : { "id" : "did:web:the_issuer_did" }, "issuanceDate" : "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z" , "credentialSubject" : { "id" : "" , "schema:hasCredential" : { "id" : "" , "type" : "ceterms:Credential" , "name" : "B.A. in Natural Science and Mathematics" , "description" : "The Bachelor of Arts in Natural Science and Mathematics is designed for students who are interested in the flexibility and diversity of a liberal arts degree and the opportunity to pursue a more extensive study in natural science and mathematics. This flexible degree allows you a wide range of options, including the opportunity to develop one or more minors." } } }
2.8. Example 8: Use of EducationalOccupationalCredential (
About this example:
This uses the term hasCredential as the claim type.
This takes advantage of other types, including mapping credentialSubject to Person
{ "@context" : [ "" , "" ], "id" : "" , "type" : [ "VerifiableCredential" , "Assertion" ], "issuer" : { "id" : "did:web:the_issuer_did" }, "issuanceDate" : "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z" , "credentialSubject" : { "type" : "Person" , "id" : "did:web:the_issuer_did" , "name" : "Sample Learner" , "schema:hasCredential" : { "id" : "https://hnc-path-to-facilities-management-definition" , "type" : "EducationalOccupationalCredential" , "name" : "HNC Facilities Management" , "description" : "Higher National qualifications provide practical skills and theoretical knowledge that meet the needs of employers. The HNC in Facilities Management (SCQF level 7) develops knowledge and skills of the modern Facilities Management industry including both 'hard' and 'soft' services, and is aimed at those in supervisory and management roles or aspiring managers within the wider realm of Facilities Services." } } }