Greatest Hits
- Chains of Trust: Combatting Synthetic Data Risks of AI, March 2025, Oxford Intersections: AI in Society
- Personhood credentials: Artificial intelligence and the value of privacy-preserving tools to distinguish who is real online,
- Decentralized Identity of Artifacts - System Architecture, 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems
- Reimagining Digital ID, Insight Report. June 2023, World Economic Forum
- Learner Credential Wallet Specification, MIT DCC and US Dept of Education
- Applying Self-Sovereign Identity Principles to Interoperable Learning Records, US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
- Building the digital credential infrastructure for the future, Digital Credentials Consortium
- Decentralized Identity: Where Did It Come From and Where Is It Going?, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
- Building Decentralized Identity Solutions, Responsibly
- The Time for Self-Sovereign Identity is Now: Blockcerts, Decentralized Identifiers, and Verifiable Claims
- What we learned from designing an academic certificates system on the blockchain
- Presentation Exchange
- Universal Wallet Interop Spec
- BTCR DID Method, Draft Community Group Report
- Use Cases for Decentralized Identifiers, Draft Community Report
- Modeling Educational Verifiable Credentials
Technical Papers
These are mostly Rebooting Web of Trust papers
Decentralized Identifiers
- BTCR DID Method Updates
- BTCR v0.1 Design Decisions
- IPLD as a general pattern for DID documents and Verifiable Claims
- BTCR DID Resolver Specification
Decentralized Identity for Educational Use Cases
- Designing a Recipient-Centric Educational Digital Credential Ecosystem
- Blockcerts – where we are, and what’s next
- Open Badges are Verifiable Credentials
- A Decentralized Approach to Blockcerts Credential Revocation